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Simplify your dental CE/CPD


Keep track of your CE/CPD learning and compliance in one place.

Or Login to start tracking


CE/CPD Tracking Made Easy

If you were asked to produce your accreditations by a patient or a governing compliance body, how would you find them all? Are they all in one place?

You can keep all your accreditations in one place, with the ability to upload credits earned from any source.

Credit Tracker Screen (1)
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Automatic Accreditation

Our platform contains over 250 hours of exclusive content that attributes CE/CPD points automatically when applicable content is completed. 

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Simple Reporting

Generate reports simply and quickly on what credits you have earned and what areas you should focus on next. 

Benchmark your career progress, explore new areas of dentistry and know when your CE/CPD cycle renews.  


Credit Tracker

CE/CPD Tracking Made Easy

The one place to track your dental career