
Shapes Matter: How Morphology Drives Aesthetic Restorative Treatment

with Dr Jurgita Sybaite

This Masterclass was shown live on July 20th 2022, the replay is now available for free until July 27th.

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Planning and delivering anterior aesthetic restorative work can be daunting at times. Many dentists will invest in the best materials and technologies, yet the final outcome is not always satisfactory. Even some of the best technicians seem to not give you consistent results. If this sounds familiar, this masterclass was made just for you.


Outcomes from this masterclass include:

  • Learn to plan and stage anterior restorative treatment with direct or indirect restorations
  • Learn to determine the level of complexity of anterior restorative treatment with direct and indirect restorations
  • Learn estimating time and cost of anterior restorative work for individual cases
  • Learn basic principles of anterior tooth morphology 
  • Learn to use knowledge of tooth morphology to plan and deliver exceptional direct and indirect aesthetic anterior restorations

Meet your Masterclass host: Dr Jurgita Sybaite

Jurgita qualified in 2008 from the University of Vilnius (Lithuania). She is completing postgraduate degree at UCL Eastman Dental Institute where she seeks Master’s Degree in Restorative Dentistry. Her clinical and research interests include aesthetic dentistry and smile design, treatment of worn or failing dentition.


"My road to predictable aesthetic anterior work was long and rocky. I’ve tried the new best materials, I learnt new techniques and learnt from the best masters in the dental industry. And yet, my restorative work was never as good as theirs. So I kept learning. I did more courses, tried yet another best-new-kit on the market. It still did not give me the results I wanted, as if some kind of a key element was missing. 


Then I’ve learnt tooth morphology. And suddenly everything changed. It no longer mattered what material I used, what technique I used. It became easier to plan what teeth and what kind of treatment will be needed. It was much easier to deliver the result or communicate with lab technicians. It was almost as if I had seen something that I could no longer unsee. I now know that simple knowledge of tooth morphology was my missing element in excellence in aesthetic restorative dentistry. It’s that simple. I hope to share my vision that will hopefully save someone from that long rocky road I walked. "


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