This patient has a large amount of wear which is not unusual in regional Queensland. Farmers and operators seem to get more wear on the teeth due to the hot climate drying out the mouth and then dust being abrasive.

After discussing the options advantages and disadvantages of ceramic and composite this patient chose to have composite.

The advantages in this case being it will all be done in one appointment, the teeth may just need some slight adjusting.  Less preparation on the teeth, softer material so it will be gentle on the upper teeth, which will be a good thing as there are implants in the upper jaw.  The disadvantages will be that they will need replacing after about 7-8 years.

We removed all of the old filling material and place new composite resin direct veneers to cover the front, top and back of the teeth.

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Heavy Wear from 44 to 36


Disclosing solution, using rubber dam


Etch each tooth before composite veneer is placed


Free hand Composite Veneers Clear matrix band for composite veneer block


Free Hand Composite Veneer Block


44 to 36 & 47 Restored Free Hand

The purpose of this blog is to help fellow dentists.

Disclaimer: Dr Lincoln Harris has no economic interests with any company referred to in this or other blogs on this website.  All dentistry, surgery and photography by Dr Lincoln Harris is with patient permission. Individual results may vary. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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