When you see a patient booked in for an Implant or Restorative case, do you feel anxious? Is your mind flooded with concerns such as: what if I slip and hit a nerve? What if I can’t get the patient numb enough and they are not only in pain but leave a bad review? What if the implant doesn’t heal and it becomes infected? All of these concerns are natural and evidence that you just want to do well. You should be far more concerned over not caring, than experiencing these thoughts. Besides, we all get them. You are not alone!

So, how can we turn this self sabotage into a healthy tool that we can utilise for our success? First of all, you need to recognise that you will make mistakes. No matter what lengths you go to avoid them, no matter how qualified or confident you are, they will inevitably happen because you are human. So don’t be afraid of them! This doesn’t grant you permission to be careless, but when practised, will give you the power to let go of what you cannot control, so that you can start strengthening and reinforcing yourself on the things that you can. So, when you start focusing on the obstacles that you can control, there is nothing in your way.

One of the most important factors to ensure your success is to have a supportive and positive environment and mentorship. Who do you surround yourself with? Who are you networking with that is influencing your professional development? Have a really honest think about your place of work and how it is serving you. Remember that you are also a medical professional and if your needs aren't being met to a certain extent, find somewhere that will. 

Where are you learning? Are you receiving continuing education that you can practice repetitively before delivering it to your patients? Are you able to receive continuous support from your lecturer or peers regarding any obstacles you might face when implementing your new found skills? Ensuring that you have a great community and support system will help you immensely when it comes to relieving anxiety and nurturing your professional development.

Here are what your expectations from an Implantology or Restorative Dentistry course should be:

  • Hands-on so that you can instantly implement what you have learned competently. 
  • Real-life Simulation so that you can practice repeatedly until YOU are confident enough to deliver your skills to your patients.
  • Learning that doesn’t stop at the end of the course - Receive consistent support when you need it from a community of supportive dental professionals like yourself.

If you are interested in finding out more about how you can deliver the best Implant & Restorative Dentistry Experience, you can visit this link:  https://www.ripeglobal.com/frd22-info