I no longer accept ‘good enough’

Dr Andrew Hong has practised general dentistry in Australia for 25 years. Andrew holds a Bachelor of Dental Science degree. He is 47 years old. 

Andrew’s Challenges

Andrew wanted to be able to deliver excellent restorative dentistry predictably and efficiently.
He wanted to have the confidence to plan, present and deliver complex cases.


Andrew enrolled in Ripeglobal’s Fellowship in Restorative Dentistry course 2021/22. 

How The fellowship helped Andrew achieve his goals 

“My clinical results became more predictable due to the immense repetition in the hands-on sessions, as well as the quality feedback from the educators. We were put under pressure - just like in clinical practice. I developed the muscle memory to be able to do excellent restorative work under stress.

My skills became more efficient due to the tips and treatment processes that the master educators shared. For instance, I now know how to prepare multiple crowns efficiently, where I used to do each preparation individually.

I gained the confidence to plan, present and deliver complex cases after taking lectures on treatment planning during the course. Having access to the material on the RIPE Global platform - in particular RETP and advanced treatment planning - has been a game-changer to the way I practice.”

How Andrew’s practice has changed after studying the fellowship
  • Andrew’s quality of clinical work has improved. 
  • He is delivering predictable results efficiently through practising quadrant dentistry and using a rubber dam. 
  • Andrew no longer accepts the attitude of good enough when he feels tired or is running late.

After the fellowship


"I have a renewed enthusiasm for practising everyday dentistry.

 My wellbeing has improved as I am excited to implement the things that I have learnt."

  • Andrew’s practice and attitude changed for the better since doing the Fellowship.
  • His work quality improved and the delivery became more efficient and predictable.
  • Andrew’s case presentations are more effective 
  • He is enjoying dentistry once again.
Highlights of the fellowship 

I am a part of a community of like-minded dentists - educators and fellow attendees - from which I can access the collective wisdom of the group in all aspects of dentistry.

I can attend lectures live online or review them on my own time. 

I receive instant and personalised feedback during the virtual hands-on sessions and recorded feedback for my assessments.

“I developed the muscle memory to do excellent restorative work under stress”

Click here for more information on the Fellowship in Restorative Dentistry!

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